VAT & Property Conference
Terms and conditions
Etc Venues County Hall
Belvedere Road
Booking form completion
Completion of the VAT & Property booking form will be regarded as a formal booking request for the conference. The requested number of places will be allocated and an invoice will be issued. We may request some additional details before finalising a booking, and will contact you via email in such instances.
Your fee includes attendance, refreshments, lunch and documentation. Full payment must be received prior to the conference.
Our confirmation of your booking
All bookings will be acknowledged in writing within ten working days of receipt and final conference details will be emailed to delegates approximately two weeks before the event. Please telephone 020 8549 3756 immediately if:
You have not received written acknowledgement within 14 days of sending the booking form by post or email or
You have not received final details of the conference five days before the event.
Certificate of attendance
A certificate of attendance is available on request, following your attendance at this conference.
Additional requirements
If delegates have any additional requirements, e.g. wheelchair access or large print documentation, or if you have any particular dietary requirements, please let us know in the booking application form or contact us directly.
If after booking you wish to cancel, we operate a graduated refund policy depending how much notice of cancellation is given. Should you cancel more than 30 clear days before the date that the event is to take place, we will refund you the fee you have paid less an administration fee of £30. Where you give less than 30 but more than 15 clear days notice, we will refund 50% of the fee you have paid in addition to an administration fee. No refunds will be given where less than 15 clear days notice is given or in the case of “no shows” on the day, regardless of the reason.