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VAT & Property Conference 2022

New date: 14th November


Originally run by Tolley®, and now in its ninth year with Orca Law, this conference has been the premier event in its field since 2002.


This event is now fully booked.

If you'd like to be put on our reserve list please contact

In collaboration with:

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Sponsored by:

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Why attend?


If you work in VAT, you probably can’t escape property and construction – it can affect any of your clients, it’s complicated, and it throws up new challenges all the time.  You need to know what’s going on.  And, sometimes, it’s reassuring to find that no-one else knows, either.


And if you work in property, or property tax, you’ll know that you can’t make assumptions about VAT.  Even if the deal or project you’re working on looks the same as the last one, trivial differences, or a new interpretation from HMRC, can suddenly add 20% to the costs.  Again, you need to know.


Join us as we welcome a host of leading experts in the field of VAT & Property in our long-awaited first live event since 2019.

Why attend?



Chair - Colin Smith

Colin has worked at M&G Plc for over a decade, advising on VAT matters related to its property funds. He takes an active role in the industry, lobbying HMRC and HM Treasury for change, and is the current chair of the British Property Federation's VAT Committee.

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Ali Anderson

Ali is a tax partner at EY specialising in VAT for the real estate, construction and hospitality sectors and leads a team of EY professionals focussed in these areas.  He has over 20 years experience advising investors, developers, housebuilders and construction firms, as well as a range of high profile corporate occupiers.


Martin Scammell

Martin Scammell is the author of the leading reference work VAT on Construction, Land and Property, published by Scammell & Nyland, and an occasional consultant in these areas. Martin started out in VAT Policy in Customs & Excise, was a Partner at Ernst & Young, and then head of indirect tax at Eversheds. He is technical secretary to the BPF’s VAT Committee, and a member of the JVCC, of HMRC’s Land and Property Liaison Group, and of the CIOT’s indirect taxes and property taxes committees.


Kirsten Prichard Jones

Kirsten advises primarily on the tax aspects of real estate transactions, including forward funding and developments, financing and restructuring transactions, corporate acquisitions, offshore holding structures and joint ventures. Particular areas of focus include residential developers and operators in the "build to rent", student accommodation and care home sectors. Her clients include large institutions, funds, developers and individuals.


Graham Elliott

Graham has been a VAT consultant for nearly 35 years, and involved in VAT for close to 40 years.  He has practiced in accountancy firms, and a legal practice, but now works through his own company. Graham has authored the monthly VAT update for Accountancy Magazine for around 30 years, and has written for a wide range of other publications.  He has frequently appeared on the lecture circuit. He has been the technical adviser to the Charity Tax Group since 2016.

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Chris Nyland

Now the co-author of VAT on Construction, Land and Property, published by Scammell & Nyland, Chris has specialised in the taxation of real estate and the built environment for almost two decades. He was a partner at Gowling WLG, and continues to provide consultancy services to some of the largest property operators in the UK. He is an active member of the BPF’s VAT Committee, and a regular contributor to Tax Journal.

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Hydeam Sulton

Hydeam is a Tax Partner at Armstrong Watson and leads the firm’s VAT and Indirect Tax practice nationally. He has over 20 years’ experience gained in practice (Big 4 and large independent), in-house FTSE 100, and spells in HMRC. Most recently there, he was HMRC’s Head of Tax Professionalism, Campaigns and Projects until 2018. Hydeam advised the campaign which recently secured a new temporary zero-rate for energy saving materials.

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Amy Collins

Amy has been working in indirect tax for over 20 years, both within the big 4 and, for the last 8 years, for CBRE, the global leader in commercial real estate services and investments, where she is VAT Director for the UK and EMEA.




































































Welcome and introduction to the day

Colin Smith

Doing VAT the Inland Revenue’s way – a look at HMRC

Hydeam Sulton

  • Merger or takeover? The diminishing influence of HM Customs & Excise

  • Out with the old, in with the new – the evolving approach to compliance and training

  • Securing policy change – who to lobby, and what gets results

  • HMRC’s 10-year strategy: a trusted, modern tax administration




Opting to Tax: Nobody Asked You

Chris Nyland

  • Breakdown in communication: why notification isn’t working

  • The wants of HMRC:  how the process has evolved, and what that tells us

  • Notification workarounds: jam today for the deal; system jam tomorrow for HMRC?

  • Ideas for a better working relationship


All that glitters – residential developers

Ali Anderson

  • The golden brick – why it matters

  • What qualifies, and what doesn’t

  • HMRC initiatives since 2020 – cause for concern?

  • Solving the problems? What to do, and what to watch




​What could possibly go wrong? – place of supply, and other problems

Amy Collins

  • What counts as land-related?

  • Errors, uncertainties and inconsistencies

  • Reverse charges, home and abroad

  • Supply and install contracts – goods or services?


Ain’t Nobody’s Business – the new BNB guidance

Graham Elliott

  • From ‘business test’ to ‘two-stage test’ – the demise of Fisher (?)

  • Should corporates routinely be restricting input tax?

  • Towards Zero and beyond – reasons HMRC might be wrong

  • Implications for charities




Cladding: where are we now?

Kirsten Prichard Jones

  • Grenfell, and the response from government

  • The evolving views of HMRC

  • Can it ever be zero-rated?

  • Input tax challenges


Best of the rest

Martin Scammell

  • Current HMRC policy reviews – much promised, little delivered

  • Guidance – if they won’t update it, will they stand by it?

  • Scope of the property exemption – a pause for thought

  • Recent case law, and what we can take from it




Complimentary drinks and refreshments


This year's event will be held in the heart of London at etc.venues Fenchurch Street.



8 Fenchurch Street



This year's venue

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